Over the weekend, I bought a pair of 6 inch high, superiorly badass Michael Kors platform heels.
Minutes later, I picked up a pair of Dr. Scholl's "fuck-me" insoles and refilled my Vicodin prescription. Is the long-term muscle degeneration worth it? Probably (not). But in the meanwhile, I modeled this week's vintage in full Viking goddess glory. The funny thing is, you can't even tell I'm 6 foot 4" in these pictures.
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It's finally that time of year again, where adorable sweaters get paired with tiny shorts in revolt against logic and safety. Thankfully, Urban Outfitters has a mean spread of sweater tights, which I strongly recommend you snatch up immediately.
Here's a sneak peek at the latest heading to Alameda Vintage this Thursday night. As you might imagine, I'm pretty stoked to have a kitty AND a puppy sweater in the same lot. Pretty stoked indeed.
Vintage '80s Cutie Quail Sweater.
Vintage '80s Angora Kitty Sweater
Vintage '70s Southwest Sleeveless Sweater
Baby It's Cold Outside,
Sabrina London