Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Winter Wonder Wear

Over the weekend, I bought a pair of 6 inch high, superiorly badass Michael Kors platform heels.

Minutes later, I picked up a pair of Dr. Scholl's "fuck-me" insoles and refilled my Vicodin prescription. Is the long-term muscle degeneration worth it? Probably (not). But in the meanwhile, I modeled this week's vintage in full Viking goddess glory. The funny thing is, you can't even tell I'm 6 foot 4" in these pictures.

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It's finally that time of year again, where adorable sweaters get paired with tiny shorts in revolt against logic and safety. Thankfully, Urban Outfitters has a mean spread of sweater tights, which I strongly recommend you snatch up immediately.

Here's a sneak peek at the latest heading to Alameda Vintage this Thursday night. As you might imagine, I'm pretty stoked to have a kitty AND a puppy sweater in the same lot. Pretty stoked indeed.

Vintage '70s Rainbow Batwing Sweater.

Vintage '80s Cutie Quail Sweater.

Vintage '80s Angora Kitty Sweater

Vintage '70s Southwest Sleeveless Sweater

Vintage '80s Novelty Puppy Sweater

Vintage '50s Honeycomb Cardigan

Vintage '60s Crocheted Blue Bonnet Shawl

Baby It's Cold Outside,
Sabrina London